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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,T in Oklahoma (Okiemockbird) Should registration be required or not? (85* d) RE: Should registration be required or not? 04 Feb 00

Posting under someone else's handle, however witty the post be otherwise, is a clear breach of etiquette. The "GUEST" mechanism should be adequate to prevent further occurrences.

The forum has probably always suffered from some bad-faith posts intended to sow discord or create inconvenience rather than encourage discussion. Is there reason to suspect that there are more such spam-posts now than before ? or to suspect that some of the "song requests" are actually attempts to entrap the mudcat in an act of copyright infringement or something ? Even if there is reason to suspect that the frequency of these inconveniences has increased, we should be cautious of restricting our own freedom in response. And certainly if these annoyances are no worse than before, we shouldn't become suddenly alarmist.


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