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GUEST,Bert BS: Mudcat's Just Desserts cookbook (99* d) RE: BS: Mudcat's Just Desserts cookbook 07 Feb 00

Here's the classical '1,2,3' shortbread recipe.

One pound of sugar
Two pounds of butter (YES - BUTTER)
Three pounds of flour.

Cream the butter and sugar, and do it properly, don't give up halfway, it should look like whipped cream.
Add the flour.
Roll out about 1/4 inch thick, cut into rectangles, prick surface with a fork, bake on and ungreased cookie sheet at 275 degrees F. until they just start to turn light golden at the edges.

I know the quantities LOOK a lot, but trust me, they'll all get eaten. I usually make two or three batches this size around Christmas time.

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