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freightdawg New Mexicats alert: Seamus and Folkfest (6) New Mexicats alert: Seamus and Folkfest 30 May 06

To all the 'Cats in and around Albuquerque, NM: Seamus Kennedy will be making another of his fabulous tour stops at the Rio Grande Zoo on July 28. Gates usually open at 5:00 p.m. and you can watch the polar bears and the orangutans until hizhonor takes the stage around 7:00.

Of more immediate interest is the 2006 Albuquerque Folk Fest, set for June 17 at the Fairgrounds (now renamed the "Expo New Mexico" for some dumb reason.) Starts at 11:00 am and goes to 11:00ish in the p.m. Great music, lots of instruction, jam sessions, kids playing harps and fiddles and dancing and all kinds of good stuff. For more info the website is

The ol' Freightdawg will not be able to be at the folkfest (bummer) because the Mrs. Freightdawg is *this* close to delivering our first baby !YEAH! If all goes well, the good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise we WILL be at the Zoo music night to hear Seamus.

Not to put any pressure on him, but it will be our baby's FIRST concert and I expect nothing but the finest in entertainment!

Can't wait -


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