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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Franz S. Tech: AVRack: How do I use it? (4) RE: Tech: AVRack: How do I use it? 09 Jun 06

Amos; Thanks. I'll check it out.

Graham: Actually, about 25 years ago I was one of my school district's computer experts. Everything I knew was obsolete by 1985. I've been using computers ever since but their capabilities have expanded much faster than my needs or wants. I bought this laptop because I could and because my Mac didn't have the speed or memory I need now. Now you're absolutely right; I have maybe not a Porsche but a pretty good Toyota (not to mention an old Volvo upstairs) and what I'm comfortable with is a bicycle. I don't expect,want,or need to use this machine to the extent of its capabilities, just to do a few things that I can do with it that I couldn't do otherwise. I may wind up doing what you suggest and getting rid of AVRack for something else, but I'm going to give it a shot first because it's what I have. I will keep in mind what you've told me and I thank you for it.

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