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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Pan Build your own pan pipe? (11) RE: Build your own pan pipe? 10 Feb 00

gargoyle asked me to drop in. It appears that someone has been "courting/corrupting" harpgirl....and the intentions might be less than honorable.

So.... here is a "free-public-posting."

With the Girl Scouts we make a pan pipe made out of PVC piping, wood slats, twine, and modeling clay. The PVC is cut in varying lengths. You don't have to worry about accuracy at this stage because you tune them later. We used 4 lengths per pipe, but you can make them larger. Sand the rough edges of at least one end of each pipe. Line the pipes, small to large, between two slats, approx dimensions, 1/4"x1"xlength need to hold pipes. Lash tightly in place. The smooth ends should be even at the top. Put a lump of modeling clay in the bottom of each pipe. (Bottom should be completely closed.) The pipe is played by blowing across the top, like a flute. Each length in the pipe is tuned by pushing the clay up (raises tone) or pulling it out (lowers tone).

Simple enough.

More refined pan-pipe techniques to follow.

Dearest Doctor....please SHARE.....if you DARE...

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