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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Clive Thorne Stolen Caravans and Instuments (40) RE: Stolen Caravans and Instuments 10 Jul 06

As a member of Rose and Castle I would just like to emphasis how much we regret what happened at our week-end. We are all very angry and upset by it, but can only imagine what it was like for those who actually had stuff stolen (well actually some of you told us what it was like!). After many many years of problem free camping at the Rugby Club this came as a shock to us all. Obviously security is something that will pre-occupying us next year, but that's not a lot of comfort to those who lost stuff this year.

I also know that the Rugby Club Staff also very upset by, and angry about the incident.

This was obviously a blight on the week-end, but we hope that it won't put people off coming again.

Clive Thorne
(Rose and Castle)

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