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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Clive Thorne Is the word 'session' losing meaning? (77* d) RE: Is the word 'session' losing meaning? 10 Jul 06

To Les B:


Thanks for the welcome! However I should make clear that we have three Clives in Rose and Castle:

Clive Thorne (myself) - Dancer. I play a bit of melodeon but not in the band.
Clive Wood - fiddle player and singer and band leader extrordinaire.
Clive Dennis - Current squire. Doesn't play anything except 'Merry Hell' when we get it all wrong.

I'm relatively new to the team (3rd season) and haven't been to a Southport Sword weekend, so I suspect on this occassion it's one of the other Clives you're thinking of.

Its not a problem, but I thought I'd make it clear so that the other Clives don't get tarred with the same brush ref my thoughts on sessions.


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