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Kara BS: Generous Britain (137* d) RE: BS: Generous Britain 20 Jul 06

John Groik, if you consider that bringing up a child is "no apparent input other than occupying space", then I hope you don't have any for the mothers sake.

The issue here seems to have become good parenting and citizenship. A single parent who had a child at a young age can be just as good a parent and citizen as a married person if they are not stigmatized by the rest of society. Single parents are more likley to spend time with their child that a married mother who has 6 months off work then puts the child into day care so as to maintain the double income in the house. The child is then compensated for lack of time with materiel things, but does that make them into a better citizen?

I do not know what benefits a single parent gets now days but 20 years ago they were minimal, as a suspect they are today.

If the question is are teenage girls choosing to become pregnant?
The yes I think teenage girls do choose to become pregnant and some of them as single parents, and yes they need the support of society, just as married mothers need support.

If the question is why are young mothers choosing to be single, then the answer is because either the father will not play the game, or it is because, the young mother finds that life is better on her own with her child than with a man.

People do not become good members of society if they are told by that society that they are crap.

I too was looked after by my Granny then become a latchkey kid, because both my parents were at work. I choose to stay at home with my kids , not go out to work, live of very little money, but at the end of the day I think home made cakes are better than shop ones.

I think that what John Groik disliked about being a child of a single parent was the stigma, so why go on to sigmatise these kids?

People do not become good members of society if they are told by that society that they are crap.

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