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Kara BS: Generous Britain (137* d) RE: BS: Generous Britain 21 Jul 06


As far as shared houses is concerned I was speaking more of my own experiences. If as a kid you are living in a house with 5 women you are going to have more female role models than male.This may not be a bad thing, but is not really going to encourage kids to grow up and set up a nuclear familly.

I do not doubt that you are capable of finding positive male role models, but when you are living in shared accomodation it is not just you who says who can and can't come into your home. Not everyone has the same idea of positive.

To be honest I don't think it is a problem strictly with the teaching profession, most men I would not consider to be a positive role model. Although there are many who are.

Guest Allen
Bringing up children has always been a profession that women have done and men have paid for. I don't think you should be giving these girls a hard time because the men won't or can't pay.

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