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Kara BS: Generous Britain (137* d) RE: BS: Generous Britain 22 Jul 06

"It's maybe hard to get a young guy prepared to get involved in a relationship with someone else's kids in it."

The real problem is that its hard to get a guy involved in a relationship with his OWN kid in it, or a least to get him involved in a way that is beneficial to "the family"

Sure there are plenty of guys who want someone to cook for them clean up after them and wash their socks, they might even be willing to move in with you (once you've got a council flat) but are not willing or are not capable of giving anyting in return, now why would a young girl with a baby to look after want to or be encouraged to put up with that?

I remember one day a young man (father of one of the kids) coming round to a shared house to see his son. Telling us how he would never take a govenement hand out, but was quite happy to have his ex and mother of his child feed him out of her single parent benefit.

I have unlimited respect for men who fulfil their rolls as fathers,and husbands and provide a loving home for their familly, but I don't know many of them.

For every single mother who is taking the responsibility for her actions there is a man who is not.

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