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Richard in Manchester Odd meters, 7/8 anyone? (87* d) RE: Odd meters, 7/8 anyone? 01 Sep 06

From Dave's Wife:
"Jimminy Cricket - 12/8!!! Can anyone name another hymn in that signature?"

I'm not sure 12/8 is as unusual as all that. It's essentially a variation on 4/4, which you count 1-and-a-2-and-a-3-and-a-4-and-a... etc. Irish slides are in 12/8, played quite fast - which may account for that slightly disrespectful short-hand description of Irish music, "diddly diddly".

I can't name any hymns, but played slowly, 12/8 gives the music a sort of gentle swing. I'm trying to think of that anthemic REM ballad, which I'm sure is in 12/8 ('Everybody Hurts' - is that the one?) Failing that, Lynyrd Skynyrd's 'Tuesday's Gone' is a good example.

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