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GUEST,Marymac90 ADD: Sam's Gone Away (chantey) (18) RE: Lyr Req: Sam Gone Away - Shanty 22 Feb 00

Dear Joe,

I think the title is Sam Gone Away. it's kind of a zipper type of a shanty-and role you would hold on a man'o war can be plugged in. It goes like this:

I... wish I was a CAPTAIN, aboard a man o' war-hey!

Sam's gone away, aboard a man o' war!

Pretty work, brave boys, pretty work I say-hey!

Sam's gone away, aboard a man o' war!

You can fit in any role, as I said-First Mate, Bosun, Shanty-man, deck hand, cabin boy, captain's wife, whatever.

(PS... I can hardly believe that li'l ol' me may have an answer for the GREAT Joe Offer!!! )

Mary McCaffrey

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