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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Molly Malone BS: Are You Scared To Dance? (60* d) RE: BS: Are You Scared To Dance? 23 Feb 00

Irish step: I know on whole reel and one whole jig....and I sorta make up the rest.

Everything else: I like to dance, but I'd love to take a few more (years of) classes.

There's a phenominal fiddler here that can't watch dancers and play at the same time. Everytime someone gets up to dance he has to watch the TV or the crowd...anything to get his eyes off the dancers, or he completely blows it! I happened to catch him off guard one day, and found out that reels are harder to do REALLY slow.

The one thing I noticed though, is that before I started playing folk, I didn't know my slip jig from my hornpipe. Now that I play the music, the dancing comes so much easier.

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