First a question for Mike Miller: I'm curious as to why you characterize Paul Rice (composer of "You Are My Sunshine") as a racist? I'm not familiar with his history, but would like to know... I make a living from my music but not completely as a folk singer; although the majority of my income is derived from performances, I also have to teach private lessons (clawhammer banjo) to make ends meet. I happen to live in the most "Republican" state in the U.S., which means the assisted living facilities here in Utah have no Gov. funding (or live performance requirements) for entertainment. So they are out as a potential source of income. I do play the occasional rest home, but usually have to do so on a donation basis as very few care facilities have the funds (or at least are willing) to pay. My "bread and butter" comes from private parties (company parties, weddings and convention work). I'll take local festival and concert work when I can get it. Out of area gigs are tough as you need to make enough to cover travel, lodging, meals and the extra time (when you could be doing local gigs). There really are no clubs that feature folk music in our area so that's not an option. The musicians who do work the clubs (country & rock acts) don't make enough to go full time anyway. I'm not getting rich but am able to support a modest life style which suits me just fine... Mike Iverson