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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
BlueSage Professional Folksinger, and Proud of It (65* d) RE: Professional Folksinger, and Proud of It 26 Sep 06

For those of you not familiar with Patrick, you should know that he actually has a lot of helpful insights sandwiched in between the inflammatory remarks in his posts. Pat has devoted much of his life to helping the music community with free on-line instructional materials but he does tend to be an absolutist; everything is black and white for Pat.

Read his posts, take the good and leave the rest. You won't change his mind by trying to reason with him.

Pat and I disagree on subjects like teaching as a profession (my students would kill me if I quite teaching and took a different day job), but I do agree with many of his ideas.

You have to admit, he does get the dialog flowing in a passionate manner whenever he posts to a thread...

Mike Iverson

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