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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Martin _Ryan Lyr Add: The Ship and My Lover Went Down (13) Lyr Add: THE SHIP AND MY LOVER WENT DOWN 01 Mar 00

Anybody heard the following or know anything about it? Recoarded in 1942, but I'm not sure if it refers to WW1 or WW2.

The Ship And My Lover Went Down

I tossed and I rolled on my pillow,
And scarcely one wink could I sleep,
As the liner sailed out towards the billow;
Took my friend far away o'er the deep.
The moon, oh, her pale rays were shedding
O'er my cottage so lonely and dim,
I dreamed and I knew in my slumber
That something would happen to him.

The ship was the Queen of the Ocean,
Her crew were all manly and brave,
Old Éireann, she feared not the monster
That lurked 'neath the crest of the wave.
When a shell from the sea broke her vital ????
Twas an act of the darkest renown
And the waves they all dashed in confusion
Where the ship and my lover went down.

Some day I will cross o'er the ocean
And of roses I will lay a gown,
On the great tragic spot on the ocean,
Where the ship and my lover went down.
Now the sun shines as brightly as ever


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