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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Osmium Lost My Sense of Humor II (102* d) RE: Lost My Sense of Humor II 03 Mar 00

So this guy goes into a restaurant and sees this beeeeautiful blonde apparentlly talking to herself. After a while he goes over and asks her what she's doing. In answer she pulls back her beeeeeautifull long blonde hair and gesticulates to the head piece of a Walkman.

Having seen her once Mr.Besotted goes back frequently only to be faced with same response to his attempts to strike up conversation.

Finally the day comes when he is so frustrated that he rips of the head phones only to see the Blonde collapse on the floor and die.

Amazed (to say the least) he listens to the phones only to hear;

Breathe in, breathe out!

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