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Muttley Songs About Vietnam War Part II (109* d) RE: Songs About Vietnam Part II 14 Dec 06

Now you can see why I was Padre to the Vets over here - I am passionate about their plight and VERY protective of them.

BTW - average suicide rate among returning Vets from all wars in the 20th Century up to and including Vietnam - approximately 6%

Suicide rate among returning Vets NOT including Vietnam Vets: 3-4%

Suicide rate among Vietnam Vets: between 12 and 15%

Austaralia lost about 520 KIA in Vietnam - in the years since, more than 5,000 have suicided - that's ten times as many KIA. NO other war can claim THAT kind of retributive factor on its Vets - not even the horrific and barbaric World War One - though it's KIA rate was appallingly high and unnecessary.


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