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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Osmium BS: So Embarrassed...............! (98* d) RE: BS: So Embarrassed...............! 08 Mar 00

Well maybe not embarrassment but being made to feel foolish. Sorcha's epic reminds me on a similar note. I was doing a one week job in Karachi and the guys I was staying with - mad English Ex-Pat Beer Swiiling Juvenile Delinquents - on one evening decided we'd do a Pakistani Takeaway. So we arrive in this dusty field (car park) with a lean to shack at one end (kitchen) and your waiter would arrive at the window, take the order, and later deliver. The recommendation was some sort of hot chicken curry and because all males will pretend that they can take it (hot food) I had one too. Now it was hot but I could eat it, and did, with a lot of sweat and no tears. The evening went on and finally the temperature in my mouth returned to normal around (late) bedtime. The next morning I was due in an important meeting that I could not attend because I was sat in a cold bath for two and a half hours trying to quench my personal Ring of Fire.

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