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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
LukeKellylives (Chris) Song arrangement. (16) RE: Song arrangement. 28 Jan 07

Welcome to Mudcat! - Thank ya kindly

What kind of music do you focus on most right now? - Folk music; mainly Irish and Scottish

What past/current artists/styles do you consider your musical ancestors? - Luke Kelly (of course), Paul Brady, and Bob Dylan.

Whose work do you respect, and whose can't you stand? - I love all of Brady's and The Dubliners, can't really say I dislike any Irish music. But...I do dislike a lot of new music (anything after 1995)

Do you learn best by ear or by printed music (we call 'em dots around here), or tab? - Mainly by ear and tab.

Are you working on covers, or original material? - Both.

And finally, in what settings do you plan on using these arrangements-- solo or band, for pleasure or gigs, jams, sessions, etc.? Are you the vocalist or will you be accompanying? What level of experience do bandmates have among them? - Solo, a few accompanied, gigs and sessions, I am the vocalist, and my other accompanying man has had at least twenty year (probably way more).

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