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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Kara BS: Will this thread ever have 5000 posts? (580* d) RE: BS: Will this thread ever have 5000 posts? 02 Feb 07

OK lads and lasses.

I'm off on holiday for a few weeks and would greatly apprieciate it if you could all make some serious contributions to this thread while I'm out. I really don't care if LH ever gets to get down with WR, as if you look back to his negative view of this tread in the very begining when it was just a tread and not a quick and easy way for LH to get laid ( don't take any of this personnally will you LH)there is more at stake here. Really this tread is just about the ability of peole around the world coming together to contribute in a meeningfull way to a utterly meeningless thing (for want of a better word) and if we can just get this thread to 5000 we together will have sucseeded in out stated goal so come lets do it!!!

(wasn't that moving)


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