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Muttley sleep apnea helped by didgeridoo playing (32) RE: sleep apnea helped by didgeridoo playing 14 Feb 07

Thankyou McGrath of Harlow - that's EXACTLY what I meant - - - I wrote timber and MEANT timber (as in wood) and as you say: The best timber produces the best timbre


BTW Jim - not much has changed: A good many Australians still regard the Aboriginals (Koori's / Murri / Yolngu - whichever you prefer) as second-clas (even fifth-class) citizens. I for one, do not. This is THEIR land and they belong to it (their words and sentiments) and I have an annoying habit of standing up in the face of opposition and supporting them - my own sister will not discuss the topic with me as the only exposure to the Aboriginals SHE has had in Townsville is with the outcast mobs that are rejected even by their own people as a disgrace.

I have an enormous amount of respect for them and their culture.

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