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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Alan of Oz Urban myths (and legends) (142* d) Lyr Add: SEAMUS AND THE LADY (Alan Foster) 23 Jan 98

In the "Definitions Please ??" thread Elektra pointed us to urban legends, more commonly known in Oz as urban myths. This sort of story can be a good source of inspiration for songwriters. Check out the Ronald Opus thread for an example (although strictly speaking this isn't an urban myth because it's true).

Here's another example:-


by Alan Foster

      E                   A           E
One Friday in May Seamus went on his way
From his job at the meatworks, in haste
       E                    A             E
As he did every week he disguised his physique
With a bag full of meat round his waist.
        A                         E
As he crossed o'er the road lanes one and two slowed
So Seamus ran at a fast rate
         E                            A         B7
But the lady in lane three, well she never did see
          E          B7          E
Poor old Seamus till it was too late.

Well Seamus he rolled, as it knocked him stone cold
And his meat it spilled onto the road
The lady alighted, the entrails she sighted,
Her brain went into overload.
"Oh the poor man", she cried, "he's split down the side
His insides are all spilling out.
He's getting much worse, please call for a nurse
Or he'll die there isn't a doubt".

The police they arrived just as Seamus revived
And looked all around him in fear
He thought, "I've been caught with meat I've not bought
I've just got to get out of here."
So he picked up his meat, somehow rose to his feet
And hurriedly went on his way
The lady she spied him pick up his insides
And she fainted completely away.

Key change to F

Now Seamus will say when he speaks of that day
How he craftily made his escape
But the lady has thoughts of more gruesome sorts
And nightmares of terrible shape.
So if you're glad you're alive as you go for a drive
By the meatworks down by Homebush Bay
Just keep your eyes peeled for old Seamus O'Neill
And the meat that he carries away.


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