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Dazbo BS: airplane window. baffled. please help (63* d) RE: BS: airplane window. baffled. please help 21 Feb 07

Donuel, yes, I'd forgotten those circles but vividly remember the roads that seem to go on for ever in dead straigh lines.

Flying from Stansted to Ancona and flying over the straits of Dover and realising just how close England and France are (I of course know it is 21 miles give or take but from 30,000ft it didn't seem much at all)

Flying into Colorado Springs wondering where the mountains were and the plane suddenly banked to land and, almost like a magician's trick, the Rockies appeared out of nowhere.

Coming in to land at Washington National and the heart-stopping realisation that the plane wasn't actually moving and we were above the river (obviously we were still moving but it didn't seem like it).

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