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LukeKellylives (Chris) Musican's families chatter at venues (63* d) RE: Musican's families chatter at venues 21 Feb 07

"I'm surprised they haven't asked you to play Stairway to Heaven."

They did at first.

Then I proceeded to tell them that I hated Led Zeppelin more than anything else in the world.

They stopped asking for that one.

Now I just need to get them to stop interrupting me when I'm playing something other than Monto or Drunken Sailor, and MAYBE I can start showing them some other songs they might like.

It gets on my nerves.

Someone ACTUALLY requested that I play a rap song on a mandolin...I think I lost all respect for about eighty percent of the Louisiana population at that point.

Oh, and Scrump (Martin?), I might make a fortune, but I'd lose it all paying off my copyright infringement settlements! XD

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