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Muttley Seeking Resurrection Songs! (9) RE: Seeking Resurrection Songs! 25 Feb 07

G'day Andrew;

Tough job spreading the Gospel in Malaysia brother: be strong and be under His care. God Bless.

Here are three links with a lot of Christian music / songs / chords / tablature and such.

Just "cut and paste the addresses into your search box: Good Luck.

As for actual songs that showcase the resurrection itself - I can't think of any that are specifically ABOUT it off-hand. However, quite a few mention it or refer to it and that might be your best angle of attack for such a theme.

One of the best I have found in this category is called:

'Alleluia He Is Coming"

[D] I looked [G]up - and I [D]saw my Lord a-[A7]coming
[D] I looked [G]up - and I [D]saw my Lord a-[A7]coming:
    Down the [G]road

[D]Alle[A7]luia [G]He is [D]coming
[D]Alle[A7]luia [G]He is [D]here
[D]Alle[A7]luia [G]He is [D]coming
[D]Alle[A7]luia [G]He is [D]here

[D] I looked [G]up - and I [D]saw my Lord a-[A7]weeping
[D] I looked [G]up - and I [D]saw my Lord a-[A7]weeping:
    For my[G]sins

[D]Alle[A7]luia [G]He is [D]coming.....

[D] I looked [G]up - and I [D]saw my Lord a-[A7]dying
[D] I looked [G]up - and I [D]saw my Lord a-[A7]dying:
    On the [G]cross

[D]Alle[A7]luia [G]He is [D]coming.....

[D] I looked [G]up - and I [D]saw my Lord a-[A7]rising
[D] I looked [G]up - and I [D]saw my Lord a-[A7]rising:
    From the [G]tomb

[D]Alle[A7]luia [G]He is [D]coming.....

A fifth verse not often used is:

(One day) [D] I'll look [G]up - and I'll [D]see my Lord a-[A7]coming
(Yes)[D] I'll look [G]up - and I'll [D]see my Lord a-[A7]coming:
    From the[G]clouds

[D]Alle[A7]luia [G]He is [D]coming.....

We did this one tonight at service.

Again; good luck with your search and God Bless


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