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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Dazbo 3:2 Hornpipes (38) RE: 3:2 Hornpipes 23 Mar 07

Anahata, you said "In fact you could say they have 6 beats": this is the confusion that lead to my original question about the time signature. Since my last post I have found a website with the classification:

Simple triple ("Waltz time")
3/2 = 3 minims per bar
3/4 = 3 crochets per bar
3/8 = 3 quavers per bar">here

Of course I'm aware that just because it's on a web page it doesn't make it true:-)

Whilst I whole-heartedly agree with your comments on the differences between waltzes and mazurkas (I can't recall any minuets at the moment) They both display a definite 3 beats in a bar which is what, from my ignorance, I would expect to hear in a tune with a 3:2 hornpipe.

I shall now go off and learn the lessons that Brian has taught me and ignore my confusion over the time signature:-)

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