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Franz S. Origins: My home's across the Blue Ridge Mountains (33) RE: Origins: My home's across the Blue Ridge Mtns 25 Mar 07

I have a tape from ther Living Waters Church choir of Cherokee NC, dating back around 15 years, which uses the same tune for a sort of gospel song:

I come to see you when I'm lonely
I come to see you when I'm lonely
I come to see you when I'm lonely
And it's Christ's love that binds our hearts as one.

It's joy you bring me when I see you
It's joy you bring me when I see you
It's joy you bring me when I see you
And it's Christ's love that binds our hearts as one.

You send me home with spirits lifted
You send me home with spirits lifted
You send me home with spirits lifted
And it's Christ's love that binds our hearts as one.

I've never heard those words anywhere else. Anyone know more about them?

Charley, I still have a tape of you singing "My Home" from about 1967.
I still like it.

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