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GUEST,Bardan Is this a folk song? (172* d) RE: Is this a folk song? 27 Mar 07

Yes! Someone agrees with me! That was my point earlier on. The emphasis is too often simply on how old a song is. Some people even seem to feel superior because they know an older version or even the 'original' (straight off a broadsheet, for all we know never sung). Then they have the temerity to talk about the folk process.

Shimrod, I haven't heard that particular recording, but I've listened to other recordings of other songs by old fishermen/labourers etc... They tend to be great historical documents if you like. The preservation of the songs is a great thing as far as I'm concerned and any nuances or bits of folklore or whatever. I'd much rather listen to someone with a decent singing voice sing the songs though and a decent arrangement, maybe the odd bit of harmony is nice too. Obviously you're of a rather different opinion and fair enough but I don't think I'll ever be a fan of croaky off key singing. If I know the guy and he's having fun and thereby raising the mood that's different but I would only really listen to those sorts of recordings to learn asong.

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