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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Molly Malone BS: Spring forward-fall back (39) RE: BS: Spring forward-fall back 27 Mar 00

We don't follow daylight savings time. We are actually in Arizona time zone. And having been raised in Michigan (like many Phoenix folk) it really messes with my head...I have to remember that my family is now 3 hours ahead of me instead of 2...

And a lot of financial businesses here change their hours so that they keep up with the stock exchange...

Now my sister has to get up at 4 am! to be on time for work at 5 am. That's nuts.

And I'm sorry, but the sun comes up at 5 am here in the summer. And doesn't set until well after my kids go to bed. How do you argue with a 3 year old that says, "But the sun doesn't even go to bed yet! It's still day time. Why do I have to go to bed?"

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