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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Blowzabella BS: One compelling reason for a dog (49) RE: BS: One compelling reason for a dog 13 Apr 07

Some people on here have mentioned rescue dogs - I have had rescue dogs all my adult life - they can be easy, they can be difficult. These are not 'free' dogs - they are dogs who may have problems associated with what has happened to them in their lives. You may be lucky - they may not have any issues (as I have been with my current boy). Please only adopt a rescue dog if you are prepared to deal, AS FAR AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE, with any issues which arise, and that you understand that from the outset. The worst thing is rehoming a dog, allowing it to bond with you and settle in to his/her new home, then deciding he is muddy / hairy / doesn't match the carpet / noisy / not sociable / doesn't like cats and sending him back. Sorry but i feel very very strongly about this. Obviously, some dogs have issues too difficult for a normal family to cope with - but that is why it is important to understand what bringing a dog into your life means - they are not mechanical- they are flesh, blood and, more importantly, soul. They connect with their people - even with people who might prove to be inhuman towards them. I have seen dogs who have been savagely mistreated, yet still greet a human with a waggy tail and a lick.

I know it was an innocent question, wld, but please don't get a dog unless you want one - join a gym, if you aren't a doggy person.

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