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dianavan BS: Poverty in the USA (1252* d) RE: BS: Poverty in the USA 18 Apr 07

I always thought the term red-neck referred to a gun-toting, God-fearing, hippy hating, neo-conservative. I didn't know it had anything to do with Southerners - more to do with someone who worked outside.

That being said, in the context of this thread, if someone is accused of having opinions that are White, male and red-necked, it relates only to a particular perspective on poverty. Yes, it is a stereotype but without knowing Dickie, I can only guess where his opinions are coming from.

Being White myself, I think I am qualified to call White attitudes, white. Growing up in red-neck country, I can also identify red-necks. Dickie may not be a red-neck but he most certainly is White.

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