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dianavan BS: Reviewing the Road to Iraq (131* d) RE: BS: Reviewing the Road to Iraq 20 Apr 07

However that is one of the things that is causing the extremeists there to fight and kill each other. It is against their religion to treat men and women equally.

Dickey - This war is not about extemists killing and fighting each other about equal rights for women.

Its about who will hold power in Iraq. The people voted for a Shia majority government. For all you know, the woman with the purple finger voted for a Shia. It doesn't matter what you or anyone else thinks is right. Its what is right for the Iraqi people.

Who have been the victims of most of the bombs in Iraq? Its the Shiites! Saddam was a Sunni (Baathist)! Sunni are secularists and the people of Iraq have sufferred greatly as a result of U.S./Sunni and now al Qaeda bombings. Why would they want a Sunni govt.? Their alternative is a Shiite govt. Thats what they voted for.

This is not a women's issue. Don't even try to use women as an excuse for this war. It has nothing to do with women's rights and all to do with power and that power is in the hands of men, not women. Doesn't matter what your religion is, women of the Middle East are culturally dominated by men. Life is more important than the veil, at this point.

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