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dianavan BS: Poverty in the USA (1252* d) RE: BS: Poverty in the USA 29 Apr 07

mg - I wasn't talking about subsidized or public housing specifically but I really don't think you can tell a grown woman who she invites into her home or her bedroom. He may not have enough money to support a family but if he has enough money to support himself and provide some extras for the family, whats wrong with that? Besides that, she may not want to marry.

A woman should not be deprived of male companionship just because she's poor. Thats ridiculous. Not all men are pedophiles and rapists. Some of those men are actually very good step-fathers. You can't punish the poor for crimes they haven't committed just because you're suspicious.

...and Mary, I have worked in a group home with young children who have been apprehended by social services. Believe me; there are perverts in all social classes.

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