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Y_Not Guitars..what do you play? (227* d) RE: Guitars..what do you play? 04 May 07

I love to hear or read about people talking passionately about their guitars (Great Thread).
My guitar is a Washburn Woodstock which I've had for over 20 years, and with the help of a Carlton custom made guitar case it has travelled the UK and Europe, I've had the frets dressed twice in it's time, and it has never let me down, (a true workhorse).
I use Ernie Ball Earthwood (light gauge strings), I play mainly finger style Folk/Blues/classical and jazz and rarely use plectrum, but when I use a pick the Washburn responds with a powerful percussive and bright melodic sound, I'm open for suggestions to try a different set of strings any help would be appreciated.
By the way, I am sat here with a 1963 Burns Virginian Pre-Baldwin that I just love to bits!

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