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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
dianavan BS: Poverty in the USA (1252* d) RE: BS: Poverty in the USA 07 May 07

Whenever you see terms like, "Sociological research shows...", you can almost guarantee that no such research exists. If it did, the source would be given. Add to that the fact that the article was written by Dave Kopel, and you know for certain that there is absolutely no truth to his point of view.

Blaming poverty on illegitimate children or single parent families is stereotyping at its worst. Like bobert said, its a red herring.

You're just trying to justify your own reason for existence. What if children didn't need two parents? Where would that leave you? What if your wife decided that she didn't really need an ignorant, gun-toting, red-neck to pass his beliefs on to their children? Would the children be better off without you? I think they might.

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