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dianavan BS: What do we call them? (12) RE: BS: What do we call them? 08 May 07

GUEST, cmt49 - Half my family is Danish and as a child I lived in fear of my Danish, aunts. They were big strong farm women and very, very strict. There was absolutely nothing open minded about them. They were very critical of others but always put on a civil face in public. You'll never convince me that the Danes in Denmark have been influenced by America.

I was reminded many, many times that I was a daughter of Denmark and that carried with it the expectation that I would adhere to the straight and narrow; that cleanliness was next to Godliness, that I would learn my stitches and know how to bake. God forbid if you entered a church without hat and gloves. Believe me when I say they could make you conform by giving you the evil eye. It took three generations of living in America for my family to become American.

I'm not surprised that Islam shakes them up a little.

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