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dianavan BS: Lizzie - dyslexia (15) RE: BS: Lizzie - dyslexia 08 May 07

First of all, all children have left to right confusion and difficulty sequencing. Thats why they have teachers. Its maturational and since all children mature at different rates, its not really a problem unless the reversals persist beyond grade 2.

It is also related to anxiety so the worst thing parents and teachers can do is make a big deal of it. Its actually easy to correct in the early years. You calmly tell the child that if he reverses letter/numbers or sequences incorrectly, you will write the correct form and they can trace over the top for practice. Assure them that eventually they will 'get the hang of it'. As long as nobody makes a big deal about, the 'problem' corrects itself.

In fifteen years of teaching, I have only seen one child that could be termed dyslexic and with keyboards and calculators, whats the big deal?

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