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DrWord Street Musicians, Buskers? (94* d) RE: Street Musicians, Buskers? 02 Feb 98

In Winnipeg, at the newly redeveloped "The Forks" at the confluence of the Red River of the North and the Assiniboine, there are several "Busk Stops" where the traffic is high. A sort of audition is required, but the standards are not very stringent. A wide range of performers busk there. Last summer, at our town's annual fair, our folk festival set up three busk stops. Several of my friends and I made close to $100 a day. The high point for me was when Loreena McKennit dropped a toonie [Canadian two-dollar coin] into my mando case. btw, the verb is busk, busking [NOT buskering]. Enjoying this thread a lot! Let's keep it going.


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