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GUEST,BB iChoons - a moral dilemma? (20) RE: iChoons - a moral dilemma? 11 May 07

Ruth, would you mind explaining your purchase concerns to a knowledge-less American?

What is Parcelforce and why would they charge you for handling an item you purchased online? When I've sent items abroad, they just go in the regular mail. The postage is paid at this end, and that's the whole story. This includes larger packets with up to 5 CDs included.

Also, why would UK customs whack you for a CD or two, or five? Am I wrong in thinking that customs duties are paid only for larger imports?

My experience is limited, but I would think that an ordinary individual, non-retail customer importing a small item or quantity for personal use would pay no customs duties.

Please explain how it works, if you have the time.

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