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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
dianavan BS: Child neglect and the law (629* d) RE: BS: Child neglect and the law 15 May 07

Wolfgang - Why do you think the poster is a she based on the term agenda? I recall a Big Mick and others also using the term. You sure go to extremes in order to oust the quest, whoever they might be.

I didn't see the first thread but this one is really f#$*&d!

They parents will have to deal with their grief and probably the law as well (who knows what Portugese laws are on this matter). In the meantime, lets just hope the little girl is found safe and sound.

Just for the record, if babysitting was available, why not hire a sitter? Seems to me they were being cheap to the extreme. If they can afford a flight to Portugal and deluxe accomodations, they should be able to afford a babysitter. In addition, why should they need public donations of any kind? Its not as if these people are without means. I can think of alot of other parents I would sympathize with before I sympathize with these two. Something about them is just not right.

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