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Muttley Which lefty played righty guitar? (41) RE: Which lefty played righty guitar? 17 May 07

OK I have NO idea of the guy's name - all I know is that he's an Aboriginal chap and lives (used to live in Darwin - Northern Territory, Australia) - Bugsy may know of him - or one of the other Ozcatters.

This bloke was featured in the media about 15 years ago +/- a year or two.

He is a left-handed guitarist who both strums and fingerpicks his tunes who plays his (usually acoustic) guitar - no cutaway - left handed but strung 'upside down' as per a right-handed player.

The REAL kicker is that this bloke is not only self-taught; but he is also totally blind.

Story goes, he found the guitar at the rubbish tip (don't ask - I have NO idea what a blind guy was doing rummaging around in a rubbish tip - all I know is that the story is true) and it was already strung. He tuned it and began teaching himself to play.
From the couple of tunes I recall him playing on the documentary - he was bloody good.

I remember thinking - I've been playing on and off for about 15 years now and I play a right-handed guitar, strung for right-handed playing as a right-habder. I've had the benefit of teaching - and yet this guy plays upside down, left-handed with NO tuition and blind - and he still makes every muso I know sound like their trying to play a rhinoceros!"

Guitar - maybe LTS thought he was playing a 'Jobbie Wheeker"!!!

Question for 'Spaw - sorry to appear ignorant but I've never heard the expression "shake the dew off of your lily" before - could you enlighten me?


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