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Blowzabella Cutty Sark fire: what happens now? (197* d) RE: Cutty Sark fire: what happens now? 22 May 07

Graham - that wasn't my point. The point I was making was that these alterations would be made to what is effectively a listed building - and that I think the damage to the fabric of the vessel would be non-essential - simply to allow it to go back to sea. I very much doubt that those charged with 'caring' for the ship would want to risk losing it at sea. As it would be completely irreplaceable, the risk might also be too great for an insurance company.

At the moment, there are two Lancaster Bombers in the whole world, which are still capable of flight. One in the UK and one in Canada. The RAF are flying theirs less and less, these days. Tooo risky.

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