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Muttley Cutty Sark fire: what happens now? (197* d) RE: Cutty Sark fire: what happens now? 26 May 07

Sorry; coming in late - but reqding through 'Guitar's' first post - basically the Government won't throw a penny at a rebuild so they'll set up a "Public Drive" to raise money for a rebuild/restoration.


As for Windsor Castle (which somebody mentioned) - I'm not a Monarchist/Royalist by any stretch of the imagination - I respect a few of them but that's it. So it's a big statement for me to remind folks that hte Queen paid for the restoration of Windsor herself. The Government informed her that Windsor was HER problem and contributed a little but the Queen was required to foot virtually ALL of the restoration costs herself as it was 'HER" castle - not the Government's. So she did. By the way, those tours you can do through Buckingham Palace while the Royal Family is in residence up at Balmoral - - - THOSE were instigated by 'Herself' to fund the Windsor Castle restoration. They've been such a success that they've continued.

Bottom line - and I am obviously NOT a bot person (despite a multi generational (Navy) connection with the sea) - It's a boat! Who cares! The main point is that no-one got hurt - if it was the "HMS Victory" THAT would be tragic.


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