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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Spider Tom How do you feel about cheat sheets? (76* d) RE: BS: How do you feel about cheat sheets? 06 Apr 00

Poets work from books, that's O.K.
Surgeons work using monitors, scopes and all sorts of assorted doo-flangers, that's O.K.
Engineers used to use their slide rules and books, but
now use an overworked laptop (Oo! Eer!,sounds a bit rude,that's O.K.)
Air piloys use screens, meters, maps, charts,radar (assorted hostesses) and computers (I'm sure I wouldnt want them to try their hand at whatever, without their security-blankets)and that's O.K.
I sing songs containing all the above charactors
and I need my cheat sheets. Too many words, too many
songs and too little memory installed within my head,
for me to get through the hurdles I set myself.
Also in this way I can always perform songs at a whim
depending on the mood in the room, and thats O.K.
So, reach for a cheat sheet, if it makes you complete.

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