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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
old moose Small Guitars? (87* d) RE: Small Guitars? 14 Jun 07

I had a three quarter size Applause-made by ovation, sounded good but with my mitts, next to impossible to play, and have A Juan Estruch small guitar, called a laud, pear shaped body, flat back, elaborate sound hole cutouts, twelve strings tuned in unison, , all of them, and in fourths all the way across the finger board. Makes some unusual chords for an old moose to learn. I tuned it like a guitar, only from a low A, makes playing it a whole lot easier. It has a beautiful sound, an easy action, and sets of strings are available from La Bella. For a twelve stringer the action is surprisingly easy. Good small guitars are hard to find-I traded the applause fir a running subaru. el moose

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