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Blowzabella Demise of maritime festivals (29) RE: Demise of maritime festivals 14 Jun 07

Guest, guest - i think that you will find that this was because the pub did not have a music license, other than the one which had been applied for by the festival, therefore, as there were more than two people performing (as was the rule at the time), it had to be pointed out - in case any one was in there who might have been out to make trouble. I recall the event and no-one was 'rebuked' - it was merely pointed out - in a humourous manner.

No-one stopped the singaround, as I recall ... and it all carried on as it had been - but it wasn't part of the festival because it couldn' be - as the festival had applied for a license from the Friday to the Monday - and this was the Thursday. If there had been any problem with the license, it could have meant major problems for the festival.

Sorry if it spolied your weekend.

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