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Muttley Lyr Req: Triantiwontigongolope (C J Dennis) (18) RE: Lyr Req: Triantiwontigongolope (C J Dennis) 05 Jul 07

All I can add here (and Triantiwontigongolope is one of my all-time favourite poems - used to be able to recite it word-for-word once upon a time) is that All the kids in our district (a semi-rural one just outside Melbourne) used to refer to Hunstman Spiders ans either Triantelopes or Triantiwontigongolopes.

Spending most of my holidays at farms either in Western or North-eastern Victoria - depending on which half of the family I was 'farmed out' to (sorry about the pun) I was pretty impressed that all the kids there used the same two words for the same creature.


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