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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,BB What's expected in an 'EPK'? (17) RE: What's expected in an 'EPK'? 11 Jul 07

I attended a workshop at the 2005 Folk Alliance conference on the topic of getting publicity. The workshop panel was an agent, a booker, and a reviewer. Here are my notes on the Press Kit topic:

A GOOD press kit contains:
good concise bio
CD (commercial)
or description of upcoming CD ("sell sheet")
page of press quotes
tour dates (current)
interview clip, if possible

Artist's WEBSITE must have a downloadable pdf press kit available, called "Press Kit," no cutesy, artsy, clever name.
In addition to the above (except for the CD, of course)
Have 1 or 2 black-and-white and 1 or 2 color jpgs, high-resolution (300dpi).
Have downloadable pdf poster.
PDF files can be tweaked by the venue. JPGs cannot be.

"Sending" someone your EPK on your website involves no more than sending them the link to the page. One page. Do not make them run all over your website looking for all the various parts. They won't do it.
Good luck!

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