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GUEST,Brian Peters Who's getting excited about Sidmouth? (184* d) RE: Who's getting excited about Sidmouth? 16 Jul 07

Ballad fans have every reason to get excited about Sidmouth. In response to public demand at a ballad workshop I gave last year, there will be a daily ballad session (Sunday - Friday) at 3pm in Jack's Bar, hosted by Sheila Miller and Moira Craig, with occasional help from me.

Then on Thursday morning in the Bedford I will be presenting a performance of ballads from Child's collection, which I can promise will include death by stabbing, drowning, hanging and burning, the odd amputation, harsh retribution, jealousy, surrogate parenthood and all the usual wailing and grieving. On a more positive note, though, there will be plenty of heroism, derring-do, true love and (I hope) a few laughs, as well as a surprising number of happy endings.

Be there.

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